WomenTechIceland Appoints 2023 Board of Directors
19 December 2022– WomenTechIceland, a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion in the tech industry, today announced its incoming Board of Directors for 2023. The new Board of Directors includes Alondra Silva Muñoz, Director of Marketing at Kaptio, Ingibjörg Lilja “Ingsa” Þórmundsdóttir, Co-founder and CEO of Orgz, Ólöf Kristjánsdóttir, Head of Marketing in the tech sector, Randi Stebbins, Co-founder of Ós Pressan, researcher in IWEV, Technical writer at AGR Dynamics, Þóra Óskarsdóttir, DIrector, FabLab Reykjavik, and WomenTechIceland Co-founders Valenttina Griffin and Paula Gould.
“We are so pleased to bring together this exceptional new board of directors to help drive the growth of WomenTechIceland,” said co-founder Paula Gould. "For the entirety of WomenTechIceland, we have been very fortunate to collaborate with great leaders, and the new board reflects that. We look forward to the great programs and discussions we will bring the community in 2023,” said co-founder Valenttina Griffin.
The new board will build on WomenTechIceland’s foundation of success to implement new initiatives that foster connections among women across Icelandic society, advocate and champion greater intersectional inclusivity in Iceland’s tech community, and encourage interest and career paths in technology. To support these initiatives, WomenTechIceland will strengthen partnerships with the public sector and private organizations and will continue to serve as a bridge to the global tech Industry.
WomenTechIceland, which began as a Facebook group, has been working with both local and international businesses and organisations since 2017. In addition to running its own meetup event series, the WTI team often partners with local and visiting organizations, dignitaries, personas and influential voices in tech to host panel discussions, educational workshops, incubators, networking and online events that connect Iceland’s tech ecosystem with the global tech community.
Some of WTI’s past events include:
Online Series: Identifying and Mitigating Unconscious Bias, in partnership with Tectre Ltd., November -December 2022.
UTMessan: “Upskilling as a Path to Equality”, May 2022.
WomenTechIceland + Huawei Iceland: Women Innovators Series & Incubator, May 2021-2022.
Iceland Innovation Week “So far. So few. Why Women are missing from top leadership and how can we change that?”, May 2022.
Lauder Intercultural Ventures (LIVs) immersion trip: Icelandic perspectives on gender, technology, organization, and leadership, October 2021.
Innovation Week “Why Inclusive Teams Make Better Products and Services” panel. May 2021.
British Embassy Reykjavik Creating New Links event January 2020.
Nordic Council of Ministers / WomenGoTech Norden Followup Workshop event, January 2020.
RIPE78 Women in Tech Panel Session sponsored by NetFlix, May 2019.
Copenhagen Business School Feminist Society meetup, April 2018.
Mozilla Diversity & Inclusion Lounge at JSConf, March 2018.
GDPR & Compliance event hosted by Arion Banki, January 2018.
Big Data meetup hosted by TEMPO, October 2017.
“May the 4th Be With You” meetup at Rannís, May 2017.
#WomenInTech podcast meetup with Espree Devora, March 2017.
About WomenTechIceland
WomenTechIceland is a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging equality in the technology industry, serving as a bridge between segmented communities in Icelandic society to foster greater diversity and inclusion. Likewise, WomenTechIceland is a touch point for events, news, and discussions around women and technology in Iceland, connecting the Icelandic tech industry to the global tech community. WTI aims to engage with expert voices from Iceland's strong community of women in tech who are focused on the interests, issues and opportunities of women in the tech industry. For more information, visit womentechiceland.com.
L-R: Ingsa, Þóra, Paula, Randi, Ólöf, Alondra, and Valenttina 2023 WomenTechIceland board. Photo Credit: Silla Páls.
ÍSL - WomenTechIceland hefur skipað stjórn 2023
Reykjavik- 19 des. 2022–
WomenTechIceland, félagasamtök sem hvetja til jafnréttis og þátttöku í kvenna tækniiðnaðinum, tilkynntu í dag um komandi stjórn félagsins árið 2023. Í nýrri stjórn sitja Alondra Silva Muñoz, markaðsstjóri Kaptio, Ingibjörg Lilja “Ingsa” Þórmundsdóttir, meðstofnandi og forstjóri Orgz, Ólöf Kristjánsdóttir, yfirmaður markaðssviðs í tæknifyrirtæki, Randi Stebbins, meðstofnandi Ós Pressan, rannsakandi í IWEV, tæknirithöfundur hjá AGR Dynamics og Þóra Óskarsdóttir, Forstöðukona Fab Lab Reykjavíkur, sem og stofnendur WomenTechIceland Valenttina Griffin og Paula Gould.
„Það hefur verið okkur sönn ánægja að leiða saman svo framúrskarandi stjórn til að að knýja áfram vöxt WomenTechIceland,“ sagði Paula Gould, meðstofnandi félagsins. „Allt frá stofnun félagsins höfum við átt í mjög lánsömu samstarfi við öfluga leiðtoga, ný stjórn endurspeglar það. Við hlökkum mikið til að hleypa af stað spennandi verkefnum á nýju ári og virkja samfélagsumræðuna“, sagði Valenttina Griffin, meðstofnandi.
Stjórnin mun innleiða ný átaksverkefni til að efla tengsl kvenna sem starfa í tæknigeiranum á Íslandi og munu byggja á sterkum grunni WomenTechIceland. Í verkefnum sínum hafa samtökin beitt sér fyrir inngildingu án aðgreiningar í tæknisamfélagi Íslands, sem og auknum áhuga og þátttöku kvenna á tæknistörfum.
Til að tryggja farsæld þessara verkefna stefna WomenTechIceland á aukið samstarf við hið opinbera og einkaaðila en mun áfram þjóna sem brú í alþjóðlegan tækniiðnað.
WomenTechIceland, hófst sem Facebook-hópur, en hafa unnið með íslenskum og alþjóðlegum fyrirtækjum og samtökum síðan 2017. WTI teymið er í miklu samstarfi við hérlend sem og alþjóðleg samtök sem og áhrifavalda í tækni sem gerir þeim kleift að halda pallborðsumræður, fræðsluvinnustofur, vaxtarmót og tengslaráðstefnur sem tengja tæknivistkerfi Íslands við alþjóðlegt tæknisamfélag.
Um WomenTechIceland
WomenTechIceland eru félagasamtök sem hvetja til aukins jafnréttis og inngildingar í tækniiðnaðinum á Íslandi. Samtökin tengja saman breiðan hóp tæknikvenna hér á landi og stuðla að auknu fjölbreytni og þátttöku í íslensku tæknisamfélagi. WomenTechIceland tengir íslenska tækniiðnaðinn við alþjóðlegt tæknisamfélag og er vettvangur fyrir viðburði, fréttir og umræður um konur og tækni á Íslandi. WTI hefur meðal annars áhuga á að auka samskipti sín við öflugar konur í tækni, sem vilja beita sér fyrir hagsmunum, og tækifærum kvenna í tækniiðnaðinum. Frekari upplýsingar um samtökin má sjá á heimasíðu þeirra; womentechiceland.com.